Zaytun Education
Zaytun Education was establised in Leeds under the supervision and guidance of Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam (Principal of JKN, Bradford).
To date we have been serving the community by providing prayer facilities, Islamic events, evening Maktab, Tajweed classes, Sanatain (2 Year Islamic Foundation) courses and Alimiyyah classes both in evening and daytime.
All of our courses are taught by qualified male and female scholars.
Our Madrasah is expanding each and every day and our current building can no longer faciliitate the needs of the community, hence, we require a bigger building.
InshaAllah, the new building we will cater for our growing number of classes and allow us to provide further services such as hifz classes and regular events and programmes.
Our Beloved Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم said, “Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.”
To obtain such knowledge of deen, we need a local Education which is easily accessible. Every Muslim must have the basic knowledge of how one must live their lives and it will be taught here insha Allah. Our generations to come need a place like ZAYTUN EDUCATION to instil Islamic values in them!
We provide Weekdays Maktab Classes for boys & girls, Age 5-13
Alimiyah course male & female(morning & evening)
Advanced Sanatayn Class Age 12+
Zaytun Education’s
Alhumdulillah, by the will of Allah swt, our Zaytun Education will be moving into a new building.
The new place needs a lot of work and it will only be possible with the help of Allah swt and all your duas and donations towards this project.

Contact Us
Madrasah Address
22 Shephers Lane, Leeds, LS8 4LG
Please submit your details and we will get back to you soon, InshaAllah.